Our Solution

To achieve a carbon-free New York, the power sector should be aligned with the State’s clean energy goals set forth by the CLCPA, and polluters should pay for their emissions.

New York is leading the nation in the transition to a sustainable, clean energy future. The Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act (CLCPA) is one of the country’s most ambitious efforts to combat climate change, aiming for a carbon-free electricity sector by 2040, 70% renewable energy by 2030, and a net-zero carbon economy by 2050.

However, as evidenced by NYSERDA and the Department of Public Service's recent draft biennial Clean Energy Standard review, New York is falling short of the renewable and clean energy goals established by the CLCPA and needs every tool at its disposal to achieve a carbon-free New York.   

Therefore, NYSERDA and the DEC should include the power sector in their Cap-and-Invest proposal and make polluters pay for their emissions.

In the face of ongoing global challenges, New York can continue to demonstrate its commitment to clean energy and environmental stewardship by applying the Cap-and-Invest program to New York’s power generators..

The Urgency of the CLCPA Goals

Meeting the goals of the CLCPA is more critical than ever. Reducing pollution and improving air quality are essential for protecting public health, particularly in disadvantaged communities that are disproportionately affected by environmental hazards. These communities often face greater exposure to pollutants due to their proximity to fossil fuel plants, highlighting the need for urgent action. The CLCPA mandates significant emission reductions, prioritizing the health and well-being of all New Yorkers, especially the most vulnerable.

Economic Growth and Clean Energy

Revitalizing New York’s economy through clean energy investments is a key strategy for sustainable growth. Integrating a Cap-and-Invest program within the state’s electricity market will help achieve this by capping carbon emissions and aligning economic incentives with environmental objectives. This market-driven approach will reduce emissions while stimulating job creation in the green economy. By setting a price on carbon, we can drive investments in clean technologies and make polluters pay for their environmental impact.

Investing in Green Jobs and Renewable, Clean Energy Infrastructure

The Cap-and-Invest model will drive investments in renewable and clean energy infrastructure, energy efficiency, and clean technology. These investments will not only reduce emissions but also create thousands of high-quality jobs. Expanding renewable and clean energy projects and modernizing our grid are crucial steps toward a sustainable energy system that benefits all New Yorkers. By focusing on infrastructure upgrades, we can ensure efficient delivery of clean energy for consumers throughout the Empire State.

A Market-Based Approach to Decarbonization

New York’s continued participation in the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI) and the implementation of an economywide Cap-and-Invest program are essential for long-term success. These programs create a consistent market signal, encouraging businesses and individuals to make decisions that lower emissions. By leveraging the power of markets, we can achieve the CLCPA’s ambitious goals efficiently and cost-effectively. Cap-and-Invest not only sets a cap on total emissions but also reinvests the proceeds into clean energy projects, further accelerating the transition.

Ensuring Equity and Public Health

The transition to clean energy must be equitable, prioritizing the needs of disadvantaged communities. Policies must focus on improving air quality and health outcomes for all New Yorkers, ensuring that the benefits of a clean energy future are shared widely. Inclusive community involvement in planning and implementation is crucial for a just transition. The CLCPA emphasizes reducing co-pollutants in disadvantaged communities and ensuring that the economic benefits of clean energy investments reach those who need them most.

Building a Resilient and Sustainable Future

Achieving a carbon-free electricity sector by 2040 and a net-zero carbon economy by 2050 requires bold leadership and strategic investments. The Cap-and-Invest program will help us efficiently reduce emissions, protect public health, and rebuild the state’s green economy. This is a pivotal moment for New York to lead by example and pave the way for a sustainable future. By investing in a diverse mix of energy resources and modern infrastructure, we can create a resilient and reliable energy system that supports our climate goals.

Shared Principles for a Clean Energy Future

  • Power Sector Alignment: Ensure the power generation sector is included in New York’s cap-and-invest program, directly enforcing carbon emission caps to expedite decarbonization.

  • RGGI Membership: Maintain and enhance New York’s participation in RGGI, integrating it with the state’s cap-and-invest program for maximum efficiency.

  • Economic Incentives: Leverage cap-and-invest to drive investments in clean energy, energy efficiency, and transmission upgrades, supporting the delivery of clean energy across the state.

  • Public Health and Equity: Focus on improving air quality and health outcomes, particularly in disadvantaged communities, and ensure an equitable distribution of benefits.

  • Job Creation: Generate new jobs in the green economy through investments in renewable and clean energy projects and infrastructure.

  • System-Level Needs: Invest in a diverse mix of energy resources and modern infrastructure to support a reliable, carbon-free grid.

By adhering to these principles, New York can meet and exceed its environmental and social objectives, setting a powerful example for the nation.

Join us in advocating for a cleaner, healthier, and more equitable future.